R.E.A.P. Investigations

Ginette is known internationally for her work on missing persons like the Caylee Anthony Case in Fl, or Elaine Pierson in Pa, or Chandra Levy in Wash., DC area, along w locating over 20 other missing persons from across the US, and the Carribean, from her home in Virginia.
Ginette is the daughter of the famous Government and Military Dowser, Louis Matacia.
Additionally Ginette has teamed up w Psychic Angela Ford and Peter Marks, an Astrologer, along w several retired Federal Agents to solve Missing Persons and Mysteries Case work.
As a professional psychic ginette has been requested to assess and attend ghost tours for the Fortean Organization in Maryland, Virginia, and Wash, DC historical homes . Additionally she was the psychic hired for the movie Gettysburg, in Penn. Her favorite overnight ghost investigation was Woodlawn in Mt. Vernon, Va.
Psychic Ginette Lucas is known as a forensic psychic for her crime assessment work to include pinpointing the location of toddler Cayee Anthony and finding over 20 over missing persons. She has been written about in the Smithsonian Magazine, the Huffington Post, and world wide on her various abilities and cases work. Her website is reachginette.com